
Showing posts from 2018

Go, Tell it on the Mountain

This is our older grade holiday song this year.

The Friendly Beasts

This is our First Grade Holiday song this year.  This is a fantastic video by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Brian Mitchell Stokes. 

Evening Rise

This is a beautiful Hopi lullaby that all ages love.  I had a specific request today for a link to this version.

In The Hall of the Mountain King

Students are loving this fun version of "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Edward Greig.  You can pick any body percussion or instrument to match with the symbols. 

Welcome Back!

I'm looking forward to a great 2018-2019 school year at Orchard Elementary!  We're going to start the year with some Disney tunes.  Here is a preview: SEIZE THE DAY ZIP A DEE DOO DAH

Evening Rise

As school closed this past month, we finished off learning this fantastic song on the hand bells:

Who stole the Easter eggs?

This was a fun play-along for all grades this week:

Irish Music

A favorite song from this week - featuring the tin whistle.

Bucket Drumming

Right now, Orchard's 4th, 5th and 6th grade classes are learning this bucket drumming routine.  You can click below to watch primary schools from New Zealand perform: This is a rhythm sheet showing the different rhythm patterns used.  This is a song map showing all three verses and the numbers of repetitions in each:

YouTube Video Day

Music classes can earn reward days (20 minutes) with good behavior.  One of the options available to them is to watch music-based YouTube videos.  Several students have requested links to their favorite selections.  I've included some below: Beep Beep Like a Sheep: Trombone Joke: Star Wars cast with Jimmy Fallon: Minecraft Rap: The Duck Song: OK GO - Needing/Getting OK GO - The One Moment